Tuesday 11 December 2012

Gallery of Images from Django (1966)

Sergio Corbucci's 1966 Django is the cheesy spaghetti western that launched a billion imitations, including Quentin Tarantino's Django Unchained. If you enjoy discussion, check out

Brandy & Ben See Django at the TIFF Bell Lightbox

In the ramp up to the release of Quentin Tarantino's hotly anticipated new movie, TIFF Bell Lightbox is screening Sergio Corbucci's 1966 Django. This movie might rightfully be subtitled: The patient zero movie that launched ...

Monday 10 December 2012

Pretty Clever Film's Ultimate Movie Lover's Holiday Gift Guide

So here it is, Pretty Clever FIlm's Ultimate Movie Lover's Holiday Gift Guide. Ask and ye shall receive, film fans! I asked all of you what's on your holiday wish list and you responded in droves. Here are the highlights of what Pretty Clever Film's ...

Saturday 8 December 2012

Georges Méliès and the Birth of Filmmaking

Georges Méliès was born on December 8, 1861. I says hats off (or heads off if you're as talented as Monsieur Méliès) to the man who first recognized cinema's potential for magic. To honor the bday of one of cinema's greatest pioneers, here's...

Friday 7 December 2012

Film Friday Weekly Roundup

It's beginning to look a lot like... Holiday movie time. Yep, time to dust off It's a Wonderful Life, A Christmas Carol, A Christmas Story or whatever holiday movie floats your boat. (If you keep reading, you'll get to Rober...

Thursday 6 December 2012

Watch It and Rate It: Be My Wife (1921)

Be My Wife (1921) was written and directed by and stars Max Linder. Linder is a little bit like the rich man's Charlie Chaplin. While Linder was actually French and always "European," his recurring comic character of Max was...

Wednesday 5 December 2012

Dickens on Screen at TIFF Bell Lightbox

As part of the global fete of Charles Dickens' 200th birthday, TIFF Cinematheque is launching a retrospective of the famed author's various screen incarnations. From the famous to the rare, from the classic to the contemporary, "Dickens on Screen" pr...

Saturday 1 December 2012

Let's Make a List: The Ultimate Movie Lover's Holiday Gift Guide

Yep, it's December 1. And that means it's time to start dropping some not so subtle hints for your friends and loved ones about what you want to find stuffing your stocking this holiday season.

Now, as a lover of rather obtuse movies, I know it's ...

Gallery: The Petrified Forest (1936)

Now that you've read Ben O'Brian's rockin' review of The Petrified Forest, you probably want more. (Who doesn't want more Humphrey Bogart. He's kind of like ...

Review: The Petrified Forest (1936)

The Petrified Forest begins with a solitary hitchhiker wandering through the dusty desolation of an Arizona desert road; his canteen empty and his walking stick leading the way as automobiles and tumble weeds pass him by. He...

Friday 30 November 2012

Watch It & Rate It: Male and Female (1919)

Cecile B. DeMille's Male and Female was released on November 30, 1919, and this one is a beauty people! You've got sexual tension between aristocrats and common folk, you've got shipwrecks, and you've got savage jungle survi...

Film Friday Weekly Roundup

When I first grasped that the NHL Lockout was going to be a reality this season, a black wave of depression swept over me. What's winter without hockey? Just a cold, gray lump of crud, that's what. But as the lockout has dragged on, I've discovered I...

Monday 26 November 2012

Wings to Screen at TIFF Bell Lightbox on Tuesday, November 27, 2012

As part of TIFF Cinematheue's Hollywood Classics series, William A. Wellman's Wings will get special screening at the TIFF Bell Lightbox on Tuesday 27, 2012 at 6:30 pm.

Where does one even start when talking about

Review: Tarzan: The Centennial Celebration

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Friday 23 November 2012

Film Friday Weekly Roundup

Now that the American's have gorged themselves on turkey and are out in shops right now fighting over discounted televisions, it's official - the holidays are upon us, people! Whether that statement fills you with dread or joy, it is time to start ma...

Wednesday 21 November 2012

Review: The Spanish Dancer (1923)

My review of The Spanish Dancer, a silent costume drama from director Herbert Brenon, could really be six words long Pola Negri, Pola Negri, Pola Negri. She is dazzling in this 1923 programmer. Sure, there's action and roman...

Monday 19 November 2012

Watch: Our Hospitality (1923)

Buster Keaton's Our Hospitality was released on November 19, 1923. I'm pretty sure I don't need to tell you anything more than its BUSTER KEATON. But you can slip away for an hour today, watch Our Hospitality, and marvel ove...

Friday 16 November 2012

Film Friday Weekly Roundup

Crikey! I just looked at the clock and it's 1:07 pm. But better late than never right? Here's the best of the bestest from around the interwebs this week. Happy reading and happy viewing!

The Film Experience tells us about when

Thursday 15 November 2012

Akira Kurosawa - Japan's Greatest Director?

Here's a piece I wrote for The Toronto Film Scene wherein I wonder if Akira Kurosawa is Japan's greatest filmmaker. My takeaway is - impossible to say. Impossible for me, at least, because I don't know much about Japanese cinema beyond, well, Akira K...

PCF mentioned on the See You Next Wednesday Podcast

There are lots of people in this world that just love, love. love movies. They will spend an enormous amount of time seeing them, talking about them, writing about them. They'll listen to podcasts, make podcasts, and start websites.

But, in my exp...

The White Shadow is Streaming Now!

Remember how 3 reels of the 6 reel The White Shadow were discovered in the New Zealand Film Archive? And how we all got excited because this is the earliest surviving work of Sir Alfred Hitchcock, who worked as the assistant...

Wednesday 7 November 2012

Watch: Raggedy Rose (1926)

Raggedy Rose is a cute little silent comedy from 1926 starring Mabel Normand. Rose works for a cheap-skate junk dealer and dreams of romance with a wealthy bachelor. I say: who doesn't, sister?

There's not a lot that's tr...

Movie Moustache #18: Charles Laughton in Island of Lost Souls

Movie Moustache #18 – Charles Laughton in Island of Lost Souls

Tuesday 6 November 2012

Election Night Film Festival - 3 Great Political Movies

So this is it - election night in America. It seems like this campaign has been dragging on forever, or at least 4 years. CNN is already checking in with attractive people at polling stations in Florida and Ohio every 10 minutes, and it's not even no...

Monday 5 November 2012

Watch: The Headless Horseman (1922)

The Headless Horseman starring Will Rogers was released November 5, 1922. While this wouldn't be the last film adaptation of Washington Irving's "The Legend of Sleepy Hollow", it is the earliest that I can rustle up. In this...

Movie Moustache #20 - Humphrey Bogart in Virginia City

Movie Moustache #20 - Humphrey Bogart in Virginia City

Pretty Clever Film's Top 20 Movie Moustaches

It's that time of year again! Movember! A glorious month when otherwise rational men grow upper lip fuzzies in the name of prostate cancer.

Odd? Yes. Delightfully fun for the rest of us? Absolu...

Saturday 3 November 2012

Watch: Just Rambling Along (1918)

The earliest surviving Stan Laurel movie and the first film he made with Hal Roach, the silent Just Rambling Along, was released on November 3, 1918. The story is what you might expect - a nice boy gets into scrapes until he...

Friday 2 November 2012

Film Friday Weekly Roundup

What a totally awesome fun week I've had! First, I got a year younger and then it was Halloween. I got the amazing Alfred Hitchcock: The Masterpiece Collection Blu-ray and now I have something to play in the Blu-ray player that I got a month ago for ...

Alfred Hitchcock: The Masterpiece Collection Blu-ray Report: Saboteur (1942)

Alfred Hitchcock: The Masterpiece Collection Blu-ray: Saboteur Blu-Ray

Saboteur (1942) treds familiar Alfred Hitchcock narrative ground with "an ordinary man put in a bizarre situation," ...

Thursday 1 November 2012

Alfred Hitchcock: The Masterpiece Collection Blu-ray Report: Rope

Alfred Hitchcock: The Masterpiece Collection Blu-ray: Rope (1948)

"Innovator" might not be the first word that springs to mind when thinking of Alfred Hitchcock, but a casual glance over his long career reveals a master f...

Sunday 14 October 2012

Go Lillian Gish, It's Your Birthday!

Lillian Gish, the incomparable Lillian Gish, was born on October 14, 1893. Seem like just yesterday, doesn't it?

Celebrate with some of my other posts about Miss Gish, a clip from one of my favorite movies, Broken Blossoms,

(Don't) Watch: Cleopatra (1917)

Cleopatra, starring the sexy and mysterious Theda Bara, was released on October 14, 1917. It was the most popular movie of 1917 by a landslide. The public was intrigued and infatuated with The Vamp. The studio worked overtim...

Saturday 13 October 2012

Watch: The Navigator (1924)

Today is the release date of Buster Keaton's The Navigator, except in 1924. It's not opening down at the local cineplex or anything (a shame, if you ask me). I'm going to go out on a limb and guess if you're reading this, yo...

Friday 12 October 2012

Film Friday Weekly Roundup

Well, hey now, it's Friday. Thanks to the magic of the interwebs, Pretty Clever Film Gal appears to be feverishly working at PCF Headquarters and she isn't. Ha! Currently, she's in an undisclosed location, playing gin rummy with Dick Cheney. Ok, not ...

Wednesday 10 October 2012

Review: The Bells (1926)

I didn't know anything about The Bells (1926) until I was browsing the catalogue at reelclassicdvd.com. But when I see silent + Lionel Barrymore + Bo...

Saturday 6 October 2012

The Jazz Singer... when the movies learned to talk

Well, hell, The Jazz Singer was released on October 6, 1927. And the rest is... well, history. But let's get the story straight. It was not the first sound picture - there was never really a problem with sound pictures. It w...

Watch: The Wedding March (1928)

The Wedding March was directed by Erich von Stroheim and some version of it was released on October 6, 1928. There's a tortured story here, as per usual with von Stroheim, and a lot of slash burn. At some point the movie was...

Friday 5 October 2012

Film Friday Weekly Roundup

Breaking news: I've just been informed it's Friday. Seriously, this almost slipped past me. Granted I've been caught up in trying to find footage of the debate that Mitt Romney "won," because surely everyone else is talking about a different debate t...

Thursday 4 October 2012

Happy Birthday Buster Keaton

Well well well - happy birthday Buster Keaton!

It seems like it happens once every year... today is Buster Keaton's birthday. Had he been Canadian with ready access to cost effective health care, he would be 117 years old today. Even though it's B...

Wednesday 3 October 2012

Watch: From the Manger to the Cross (1912)

We're going heavy with today's screener. From the Manager to the Cross, or Jesus of Nazareth, was released on October 3, 1912, making it exactly 100 years old. Directed by Sidney Olcott and written ...

Tuesday 2 October 2012

Watch: The Pawnshop (1916)

Charlie Chaplin's The Pawnshop was released on October 2, 1916 and distributed by Mutual. It's a super silly knockabout slapstick with Chaplin co-star regular Edna Purviance. Chaplin is a clerk in a pawnshop and he bungles everything. That's all ther...

Monday 1 October 2012

Watch: A Woman of Paris (1923)

CharlieChaplin's A Woman of Paris debuted on October 1, 1923. The movie is atypical Chaplin - it's a drama and though it was written, directed, produced and scored by The Tramp, Charlie Chaplin was not the s...

Friday 28 September 2012

Film Friday Weekly Roundup

It's shaping up to be a fantastic week for the classic film fan, especially the ones who live in Toronto. First, we get the totally fab news that Blancanieves is Spain's official nom for Best Foreign Language Film at next year's Oscars. Stay tuned fo...

Watch: Never Weaken (1921)

Never Weaken, Harold Lloyd's last short film, was released on September 28, 1921. Directed by Fred Newmeyer, this 3 reeler with its thrilling, building dangling stunts might fairly be seen as a ramp up to the Lloyd feature <...

Thursday 27 September 2012

Watch: Diary of a Lost Girl (1929)

Ah, Louise Brooks! Diary of a Lost Girl (Tagebuch einer Verlorenen)  was released on September 27, 1929 silent film. It was directed by Georg Wilhelm Pabst and starred Louise...

Sunday 23 September 2012

First Keystone Productions Release is 100 Years Old Today

The first Keystone production hit movie screens on September 23, 1912. Released through Mutual, this one reel of film held two silent shorts Cohen Collects a Debt and The Water Nymph. Of course, we ...

Watch: Berlin: Symphony of a Great City (1927)

Berlin: Symphony of a Great City (Berlin: Die Sinfonie der Großstadt) is a 1927 German film directed by Walter Rut...

Saturday 22 September 2012

Watch: Rebecca of Sunnybrook Farm (1917)

Rebecca of Sunnybrook Farm, starring Mary Pickford, was released on September 22, 1917.  Directed by Marshall Neilan, the script was based on...

The Strange Fate of Kim's Video

This article from The Village Voice chronicles the sad, strange tale of what happened to the collection from New York's Kim's Video. Kim's Video was a very strange place, and a very New York place. Despite that this twisted story ends up in Italy, it...

Friday 21 September 2012

Film Friday Weekly Round Up - The Catch Up Edition

Do you have a post TIFF hangover? I certainly do. Even though it's been 5 days, I'm not sure I'm completely recovered. Also, I'm not sure what movies I saw. TIFF is now a popcorn grease strained blur. I do know I saw Blancanieves...

Saturday 15 September 2012

TIFF 2012 Review: Men at Lunch

You know that photo of New York City iron workers eating lunch on a steel girder hundreds of feet above the sidewalks of Mahattan? You definitely know this photos because as the new documentary Men at Lunch from Seán Ó Cualá...

TIFF 2012 Review: Passion

As I was leaving the theatre after seeing Brian De Palma's Passion I overheard two women discussing the film. One said to the other, "He was trying too hard." Yes he was. He always does. Personally, it's a thing I love about...

TIFF 2012 Review: The Act of Killing

Joshua Oppenheimer's The Act of Killing is one of the most difficult to watch films I've ever encountered. That's not to say it's not a good documentary, but you should brace yourself to look evil directly in the eye. Seriously, a woman sitting behin...

Friday 14 September 2012

TIFF 2012 Review: The We and the I

How I long for the Michel Gondry of Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind and The Science of Sleep. That Gondry was inventive, weird, and wildly endearing. That Gondry was the reason I signed up for...

Thursday 13 September 2012

Interview with Pablo Berger, Director of Blancanieves

I wish that each one of you may see Blancanieves. I also wish that each of you could sit down for a few minutes with Pablo Berger. He is delightful, articulate, and passionate on the subject of silent cinema. And seriously, ...

Wednesday 12 September 2012

TIFF 2012 Review: Short Cuts Canada Programme #5

Having seen two of the Short Cuts Canada programmes, I'm up to 14 shorts in this fest. I'm trying to collect them all, like baseball cards. But, seriously, short films can be really freaking amazing and some of these are. Turns out Canadians can be w...

Tuesday 11 September 2012

TIFF 2012 Review: Blancanieves

I saw Pablo Berger's Blancanieves and it left me speechless. I'm apparently not the only one blown away by this movie. Just this Blancanieves was shortlisted to represent Spain at t...

Monday 10 September 2012

TIFF 2012 Review: The Central Park Five

Look, I knew going into The Central Park Five there was a high probability that I was going to get Burnsed. But I thought, hey this was directed by Sarah Burns not Ken Burns and if ever the was rich doc fodder it wa...

Sunday 9 September 2012

TIFF 2012 Review: Yellow

The TIFF 2012 premiere of Nick Cassavetes' Yellow was packed to the rafters on Friday night...

Friday 7 September 2012

Film Friday Weekly Roundup: The Before the Madness Edition

This is it people... I officially start TIFFing this afternoon. Life is crazeee hectic right now, which kinda sucks. I wanted to enjoy TIFF. I swear to the heavens that next year I'm taking two whole weeks off and not answering the phone dur...

Thursday 6 September 2012

Review: The Original Felix the Cat (1922 - 1930)

It is damn near impossible to understand the popularity and influence of Felix the Cat during the silent era. Impossible to watch this cool kitty pull some really surreal tricks, that is. Since I'm sometimes sad that I no longer get to indulge in Sat...

Toronto Urban Film Festival

Hey, did you know there's another film festival going on in Toronto? The lines are still kinda long, but it will fold into your average day far more neatly. You can catch one-minute, silent films on screens across the TTC this week, brought ...

Wednesday 5 September 2012

Pretty Clever Films Goes to TIFF

It's that time of year again. The cottage is shuttered, the first hint of autumn is in the air, and hordes of cinemaniacs descend on once peaceful Toronto to gorge on movies - It's TIFF time! Also known at Pretty Clever HQ as "that time of year when ...

Friday 31 August 2012

Film Friday Weekly Roundup - The Ugh Edition

So here's the situation - Pretty Clever Film Gal has been running like a hamster on a wheel, working her little rear off. This has left me feeling less pretty clever and more slightly dull. But TIFF is right around the corner, and I'm banking work an...

Wednesday 29 August 2012

Review: Laurel and Hardy Rarities

I'm not a card carrying member of the Sons of the Desert or anything, but I do harbour an abiding fondness for Stan Laurel and Oliver Hardy. My fondness goes beyond admiring their work and enjoying their movies. Sure, Laurel and Hardy are always funn...

Friday 24 August 2012

Film Friday Weekly Roundup: The Links, I Don't Need No Stinkin' Links Edition

Good morning friends and fellow film fanatics, Pretty Clever Film Gal has shocking news to report - nothing happened on the interwebs this week. Okay, okay... I'm sure stuff did happen, but I missed it all. It's been a week of work, work, work and I'...

Friday 17 August 2012

Film Friday Weekly Roundup: The Come Up and See Me Sometime Edition

It's been like Christmas and a birthday rolled into one for silent film fans this week. TCM featured Lillian Gish and set the interwebs ablaze with talk about the finest Griffith-Gish collaborations.

Thursday 16 August 2012

The Vertigo Hair Spiral

I really love Vertigo. I wrote a little piece for the Toronto Film Scene about the Vertigo hair spiral. I'm not entirely sure it makes a lot of sense. Did I mention that I really, really love Vertigo? So much that it gives me a headache? Read on - if...

Tuesday 14 August 2012

Coming Up in Toronto: "Summer Shorts" from Robert Bruce

Every so often, composer/pianist Robert Bruce graces us with his live accompaniment to silent films. He's returning to Toronto this Thursday, August 16 to present "Summer Shorts." Catch 4 cla...

Friday 10 August 2012

Film Friday Weekly Roundup - The nobody puts PCF in the corner edition.

It's been a trying week, ya'll! PCF was kaput all last weekend, due to technical difficulties, meaning Pretty Clever Film Gal couldn't precompose her brilliant thoughts to dole out a miserly pace for the week. And then, having nothing to do ...

Friday 3 August 2012

Film Friday Weekly Roundup: The Big Week Edition

Wait, it's Friday again? That was one fast week, my friends, and not nearly as productive as it should have been. But it sure was exciting wasn't it? Sight & Sound's new critic poll not only told us Vertigo is the greate...

Thursday 2 August 2012

Vertigo is the Greatest Film of All Time

Yeah, duh, I coulda told you that last week. But now it's official, Alfred Hitchcock's Vertigo is the greatest film of all time, unseating reigning 50 year champ Citizen Kane in Sight & Sound's ...

Watch: Sally of the Sawdust (1925)

Sally of the Sawdust (1925) is an American silent comedy film, directed by D. W. Griffith, starring W. C. Fields, and based on the 1923 stage musical Poppy. It was originally released on August 2, 1925. I don't find...

Wednesday 1 August 2012

(My) Top 5 Most Infuential Films

(My) Top 5 Most Influential Films

These are not THE top 5 most influential films, but rather MY top 5 most influential films. These are the movies that were game changers for me personally. The movies that woke me up, blew ...

Tuesday 31 July 2012

Review: A Fool There Was (1915)

A Fool There Was (1915) wasn't Theda Bara's first film (The Stain (1914) holds that special honor), but it was her first lead role. It also, I think, sets the template for every other role she playe...

Friday 27 July 2012

Film Friday Weekly Roundup - TGIF Edition

Well now it's Friday and it seems like it's a long time comin' this week. As a matter of fact, when I woke up this morning I thought it was Saturday - and I immediately felt sad because I had somehow missed Friday. So as cliche as it sounds, TGIF. No...

Tuesday 24 July 2012

Review: Night Music (2010)

Sometimes in my movie review travels, I come across a nice little gem. Night Music (2010), directed by Blair Hayes and starring Boti Bliss, Guy Birtwhistle, ...

Monday 23 July 2012

Hollywood: A Celebration of the American Silent Film

I posted this a while ago... but I can't recommend Hollywood: A Celebration of the American Silent Film enough. It's a crying shame that this series isn't more widely available. Judging by the number of Google searches that bring peeps to PCF, there ...

Scouting New York Does Annie Hall

So here I sit at 3:30 pm on a Monday, wondering precisely when it's socially acceptable to pop the cork on a bottle of wine. Do I really have to wait 'til 5 pm? As a great man once said, it's 5 o'clock somewhere...

Anyway, if you've found yourself...

Friday 20 July 2012

Film Friday Weekly Roundup - The Bat Free Edition

Look, I have an abiding love for the Batman. Really I do. I love all of his comic book iterations, his slightly suspect relationship with Robin, and - c'mon - the B-Man has the most amazing rogues gallery of villains. I even loved the idea of a Chris...

Thursday 19 July 2012

The Cameraman (1928)

I'll get to The Cameraman in a sec, just bear with me. Did you watch Lost? I hope, for your sake, that the answer is no. I mean, c'mon - J.J. Abrams, I'm going to kick your ass in a dark alley if I ever get the chan...

Tuesday 17 July 2012

The Speechless Blogathon

I staggered out of the woods yesterday, hot, itchy from mosquito bites and looking for something fun to do. And lo and behold... I come across the Speechless Blogathon from

Review: Calendar Girl (2011)

So I reviewed Calendar Girl for filmsnobbery.com, and it was truly a mess of a movie. The IMDB listing pegs this in the genre comedy-horror-romance. What's that? Comorrorance? Horomedy? Romcomrror? I dunno. It was just a mes...

Friday 13 July 2012

Film Friday Weekly Roundup: The Alfred Hitchcock Edition

I'm going to let you in on a little secret my fellow film fans - I'm not actually here. That's right... Pretty Clever Film Gal is currently deep in the wilds of Canada, desperately trying to juice up her iPad with solar charger, just so she can get a...

Friday 6 July 2012

Review ménage à trois: Savages

Have you ever wondered what would happen if three reasonable women went to see Oliver Stone's misogynist lady-hate-fest Savages and then sat down to talk about it? Well, that's exactly what happened when Kristal Cooper, Trista DeVries, and yours trul...

Film Friday Weekly Roundup

Hey now... it's been a rough week for Pretty Clever Film Gal. First, I had a little spill on my bike, completing belying the image I have of my self as one of those effortlessly chic Parisian lasses who zip about on cool vintage bicycles. Then Andy G...

Wednesday 4 July 2012

The TFS List: 5 docs about porn

Hey what now? Pretty Clever Film Gal is talking about porn? Yep. Thing are heating up over at Toronto Film Scene during July - it's porn month! This little list of docs about porn - see how respectable I manage to remain? - is my humble contribution ...

Friday 29 June 2012

Film Friday Weekly Roundup

It's been quite a week in the classic film blog-o-verse. First, The Cinementals vanished into the ether. It's a lot like Rick and Louis wandering into the fog at the end of Casablanca, but this time in reverse. It's the end ...

Sunday 24 June 2012

My TCM Picks of the Weeks

I know, every time you take a look at the TCM schedule for the upcoming week, you're tempted to quit your job and order all your food for delivery. What's a classic film fan to do? I have a better solution. Get your self a big fat DVR and just peruse...

Friday 22 June 2012

Watch: Dreamy Dud: He Resolves Not to Smoke

The Dreamy Dud series is the brainchild of early animation pioneer Wallace Carlson. Though he had a long career as a newspaper cartoonist, Carlson is best remembered for his animation work. And though the Dreamy ...

Film Friday Weekly Roundup

So last night, I'm lolling about on the sofa watching a delightful little program called Storage Hunters. (Do not confuse Storage Hunters with it's far more sophisticated cousin, Storage Wars. In fact, Storage Hunters is just a low-rent, Jerry Spring...

Thursday 21 June 2012

Watch: Work (1915)

Charlie Chaplin's Work, his eighth for Essanay films, was released on June 21, 1915. It co-stars Edna Purviance, Marta Golden and Charles Insley. That is all.




Watch: The Mothering Heart (1913)

D.W. Griffith's The Mothering Heart was released on June 21, 1913. You can never ever go wrong with the incomparable Lillian Gish.

A pregnant wife (Lillian Gish) is deserted by her husband (Walter Miller) and must give bi...

Wednesday 20 June 2012

Watch: Mabel's Married Life (1914)

Here's another little gem from Chaplin's inaugural year in the film biz. Also known as the year when Chaplin played drunk, really, really drunk. Mabel's Married Life was released on June 20, 1914 and costars, of course, Mabe...

Monday 18 June 2012

My TCM Picks of the Week

I'm thinking of buying a new TIVO, even though it's not really functional in Canada, just for some extra TIVO hard drive space. The responsibility for this very stupid idea falls solely on TCM. Damn you TCM! You make it hurt so good. In that spirit, ...

Friday 15 June 2012

Film Friday Weekly Roundup

And... another week is conquered! Which is what it feels like sometimes - you grab that week and wrestle it to the ground, just beat it into submission. Of course, those are the best weeks. On the not-so-best, it beats you into submission. The jury i...

Thursday 14 June 2012

Outdoor Movies at Open Roof Festival

I love watching movies outdoors. There's something that feels slightly subversive, like you shouldn't be able to see a movie outdoors but you totally are! Typically, I'm restricted to small screen devices to indulge this peccadillo but thanks to the ...

Wednesday 13 June 2012

Watch: Mabel's Busy Day (1914)

Mabel's Busy Day was released on June 13, 1914. The old gal's looking pretty spry for 98!

Mabel Normand is a hotdog vendor down at race track. Charlie Chaplin is an irrepressible little Tramp. He steals her wares, she cal...

Monday 11 June 2012

My TCM Picks for The Week

It's another exciting and DVR straining week at the greatest cable channel in the known universe, TCM. Here's my hot picks for June 11 to June 17.

Monday, June 11

10:30 AM 

How do they do that? Accompanying Silent Film

I recently had the pleasure to speak to some of Toronto's talented musicians who sit regularly sit down and provide musical accompaniment at silent film screenings. As silent film fans know, the best way to see a silent is in a theatre, with an audie...

Friday 8 June 2012

Film Friday Weekly Roundup

This is going to sound terribly narcissistic but often as I'm flipping through my RSS feeds I see a new post and think "Oh that sounds interesting!" Then it turns out to be my own. Wait, maybe that just makes me sound a bit senile? At any rate, and i...

Thursday 7 June 2012

Watch: Lon Chaney in Flesh and Blood

Check out the always remarkable Lon Chaney in Flesh and Blood (1922). David Webster (Lon Chaney) escapes from prison after 15 years to see his daughter (

Wednesday 6 June 2012


Watch: Ella Cinders (1926)

Ella Cinders was released June 6, 1926. This film adaptation of the popular comic strip Ella Cinders stars Colleen Moore and Lloyd Hughes and is a sort of comic adaptation of Cinderella.You won't find anything earth...

Tuesday 5 June 2012

Watch: Lon Chaney in The Shock (1923)

Watch the incomparable Lon Chaney in The Shock (1923). Chaney's transformative skills are taken to the nth as he plays a cripple named Wilse Dilling. See him actually get the girl, for once.


Monday 4 June 2012

The White Shadow Set to Stream on NFPF Site Starting in November

This just in... Fandor ponied up the remaining funds not raised by the For the Love of Film blogathon and The White Shadow will be streaming for all on the

My TCM Picks for This Week

It's pretty much always a good week at TCM, but this one is looking more than good. Here are my \TCM picks for the week of June 4 to June 10. Note, these picks do not include

Saturday 2 June 2012

Mary Pickford, D.W. Griffith, and "The New York Hat" (1912)

This post was originally published on May 11, 2011, but I'm reposting it today as part of the Mary Pickford Blogathon hosted by Classic M...

Watch: Intolerance: Love's Struggle Through the Ages

Summer seems to be on hiatus in my backyard this Saturday. If the same is true where you live, then maybe it's the perfect time to drag your laptop over to the cozy, comfy bed and settle in for a watch of D.W. Griffith's epic Intolerance:...

Friday 1 June 2012

Film Friday Weekly Roundup

Just when you think summer is here to stay the weather devolves into a rainy, chilly mess. Fortunately, Pretty Clever Film Gal has been on a bit of an order/recording bender lately, so she's got no end of indoor pursuits to keep her amused. Hopefully...

Thursday 31 May 2012

Coming Up on TCM's Silent Sunday Nights in June

The lineup for TCM's Silent Sunday Nights in June is looking pretty damn fine. Clear some space on those TIVOs for these four great silent films, unless you actually stay up to 2 a.m. In that case, get the coffee maker primed. No matter how you consu...

Wednesday 30 May 2012

Review: The Temptress (1926)


The Temptress (1926) is a standard little romantic melodrama, the kind of silent film that you find on any silver screen in any town in 1926. It's packed with super stars - directed by Fred Ni...

Friday 25 May 2012

Win the Buster Keaton Short Films Collection


And the Pretty Clever Films blog birthday month bash continues with the chance to win the Kino edition of Buster Keaton: Short Films Collection 1920-1923!

Keaton;s short films are widely regarded as not only his finest work, ...

And the winner of the Chaplin Modern Times Watch is...

The winner of the super amazing  to Trevor Jost, better known as @tpjost on Twitter. He's also the proud owner of the awesom...

Film Friday Weekly Round Up

Summer is officially on in Toronto, friends and neighbors! The pools are open, the barbeques are fired, and the Cup finals are a wash (the Kings and the Rangers, puh-lease). And this if of course a perfect day for... sitting in a dark theatr...

Wednesday 23 May 2012

The Modern Times Feeding Machine Scene


This is my favorite scene from Modern Times. It's the little mouth wiping arm of the feeding machine that really gets me. I guess dead pan is to be expected from a bot, but the way that it pops out to dab Charlie's mouth no matter what mishap ju...

Monday 21 May 2012

Finite Hitchcock


This article is my contribution to the For the Love of Film: The Film Preservation Blogathon III. Granted, I'm two days late, but I don't have to be two dollars short. This year's blogathon was designed to benefit the Nation...

Friday 18 May 2012

Win a Charlie Chaplin Modern Times Watch


Just look at this thing! That little Charlie Chaplin there rotates around the face of the watch! How freaking cute and awesome is that? Here's a closer look.

And the winner of A Trip to the Moon is...


Here's how it went down. I woke up, caffeinated, and put all of the entries for the A Trip to the Moon giveaway in a spread sheet. There were A LOT of them, I tell you. You guys want some Melies it seems. Then I assigne...

Film Friday Weekly Round Up: For the Love of Film Blogathon Edition


Okay, so I'm sure most of you know about the For the Love of Film Blogathon to benefit the National Film Preservation Foundation. ...

Tuesday 15 May 2012

Miss Fatty's Seaside Lovers (1915)


Miss Fatty's Seaside Lovers features a lot of Roscoe "Fatty" Arbuckle and a little bit of Harold Lloyd. I give it five stars for that fact alone and one more for Fatty in drag.




Monday 14 May 2012

Hand-Colored Original Clips from a Trip to the Moon

Here's some hand-colored original clips from a Trip to the Moon. This is just a little tease of what you'll be watching if you w...

Grapevine Video May Releases


Word to yo mama, Grapevine Video just announced 4 "new" silent titles for release this month. All these titles are on sale through the end of the month, so get 'em whi...

Review: The Testament of Judith Barton

I hated Jane Eyre. I resented every moment of my ninth grade life that was wasted on reading that book. And then I was delighted to learn that another author had written a novel about Rochester's mad wife in the attic, Wide Sargasso Sea<...

Saturday 12 May 2012

A Trip to the Moon in Beautiful Color


Silent films weren't always black and white, ya know. It's a fact that modern viewers sometimes lose sight of. Sometimes silent films were brought to glorious life by pain staking hand coloring. Each tiny little frame is a master piece.

The c...

Friday 11 May 2012

Film Friday - Weekly Round Up


What a beautiful Friday morning it's shaping up to be! It's sunny and mild, and I hope you're not reading this because you're out in it, or you're at the Dead Men Don't Wear Plaid classic film weekend hosted by the Toronto Film Society ...

Win A Trip to the Moon!


Not that kind of a trip to the moon, silly! This kind of A Trip to the Moon!

Tuesday 8 May 2012

Review: Hitler: The Comedy Years

How could I not want to watch a documentary titled Hitler: The Comedy Years? This doc has a really fascinating premise - in short, Great Britain viewed ridicule as it's greatest anti-Nazi weapon. Now, that's interesting. In the end, the doc ...

Monday 7 May 2012

Watch: His Regeneration (1915)


Let's play spot the Chaplin! His Regeneration was released on May 7, 1915 by Essanay Studios. In it, a criminal type get in an argument over a dance hall gal. Notable mostly for featuring an uncredited Charlie Chaplin in the role of "a ...

Short films from the Golden Age of Comedy


The golden age of the short film and the golden age of comedy are one in the same. Here's a look at a few of my favorites from the silent era, when all films were short films, and the comic geniuses were at play. Get ready for a yuks and chucks!...

Friday 4 May 2012

Coming soon... PCF is giving stuff away!


Hey silent party people, it's almost my blog birthday! Pretty Clever Films was born on May 11, 2011, so it's just one week away from being one whole year old.

Now, Pretty Clever Film Gal loves a birthday, especially her own. She's a birthday ...

Watch Caught in the Rain (1914)


See Charlie Chaplin in Caught in the Rain (1914). I'm going four stars on this one, since it's Charlie, Keystone Studios, and funny.




Film Friday - Weekly Roundup


The Super-Sized Edition

I'm going to call this week's Film Friday - Weekly Roundup: The Super-sized Edition. I mean just look at all those links! I am obviously inspired by the interwebs this week, and obviously NOT jus...

Thursday 3 May 2012

Review: The Mystery of the Leaping Fish (1916)


Thanks to the generosity and hospitality of an awesome Toronto film fan, I had the opportunity to see The Mystery of the Leaping Fish last weekend. I've...

The Mystery of the Leaping Fish (1916)


I give the Mystery of the Leaping Fish 5 stars just for it weirdness and it's Little Fish Blower. Read my review here.


Tuesday 1 May 2012

Manhandled (1924)

This 1924 beauty starring Gloria Swanson and Tom Moore is your classic tale of girl succeeding and then being accused of allowing herself to be "manhandled" in order to succeed. I mean it can't be talent, right?

There's some awesome footage of NYC...

The Toronto Film Society Presents the "Dead Men Don't Wear Plaid" Film Weekend


For the past 45 years, the Toronto Film Society has hosted a May film weekend in northern Ontario, and now for the first time ever, the May film weeken...

Friday 27 April 2012

Grandma's Boy (1922)


Harold Lloyd's Grandma's Boy was released April 27, 1922. Watch the complete movie on YouTube.


Hot Docs: The World Before Her


I often find it difficult to review documentaries, especially reviewing them very soon after watching. It takes some time to parse out the emotional impact of a really good documentary. The World Before Her, screening a...

Caught in a Cabaret (1914)


Caught in a Cabaret, starring Charlie Chaplin and directed by comedic actress extraordinaire Mabel Normand was released on April 27, 1914.



Film Friday - Weekly Roundup


Well now, it's been a busy week at PCF headquarters. We're still trying to work out the kinks of the new site and the new email system and the new... well everything. And all the while, planning for an outrageous silent film weekend with two

Thursday 26 April 2012

The Life and Death of Willam Taylor Desmond

Today is the birthday of William Taylor Desmond, silent film actor and director. Though he acted in or directed over 80 silent films (most considered lost), Desmond is most famous for being rather mysteriously murdered. The investigation of his murde...

Coming Up in Toronto: A Silent Cinema Dilemma


This weekend in Toronto is either a silent film fan's greatest fantasy or her worst nightmare? Why? There's not one, but two silent film screenings - on the same day!

Wednesday 25 April 2012

Timelapse Drawing of Charlie Chaplin


Thanks to The Cinementals, I found this charming little time-lapse video of someone drawing Charlie Chaplin. Really, it brightened my day and hopefully it will brighten yours, too. Now I'm...

Hot Docs: China Heavyweight