Thursday 31 January 2013

Watch It: The Hands of Orlac (1925)

The Hands of Orlac, or Orlacs Hände, is a late expressionist silent film produced by Robert Wiene (of

True Classics

Can I just say, I love True Classics, and not just because it's masterminded by another Brandy, or in this case Brandie. This awesome classic movie blog is actually the home for four classic movi...

Review: Tokyo Story (1953)

Tokyo Story, or Tôkyô monogatari  (1953)

In Yasujiro Ozu's masterpiece, Tokyo Story, nothing happens. An elderly man and woman leave their small village and travel to Tokyo to visit their ...

Wednesday 30 January 2013

10 Things About City Lights (1931)

Released on January 30, 1931, Charlie Chaplin’s silent City Lights turns 82 today. While that’s pretty old, it’s actually pretty young for a silent movie. Chaplin, worried about how his Little Tramp would translate in the world of talkies, Chaplin...

Silent Volume

Silent Volume is master-minded by one Chris Edwards, a shady character that I privately refer to as Toronto's other silent film blogger. Chris and I often meet at parties and sc...

Top 5 Silent Films for Newbies

As the social reach of Pretty Clever Films keeps expanding (first Twitter, then the world ya'll!) I've been getting some version of this question quite a lot lately: I've never seen a silent movie. What do you recommend?

Of course, we silent film ...

Tuesday 29 January 2013

4 Movies I Walked Out On

I'm not in the habit of walking out of movies, or even of turning them off when I'm streaming Netflix. In for a penny, in for a pound, I say. This is especially painfully true when you've ventured out to a movie theater and slapped down cold hard cas...

Movie Morlocks

Movie Morlocks is the official blog of TCM (i.e. The Greatest Cable Channel Known to Man) so you know it’s good, good stuff. The Morlocks provide thoughtul, detailed and oh so informative posts on topics ranging from a brief history of the Telefil...